Rally Social Club Memberships FAQ

Rally Social Club Memberships Include

  • Court reservations up to 10 days in advance (3 days before non-members) 
  • Discounted court rentals ($5 off per court per hour)
  • Member pricing for leagues, tournaments, rentals, gear, and merchandise.
  • $25 food credit towards any restaurant inside Courts & Commons (Moonrise Sourdough, El Coyote Guapo, Backcourt Kitchen and Outcast Smoothie Bowls)
  • $5 weekly bar specials
  • Complementary paddle rentals.
  • $5 on level ladders (specified times throughout the week)
  • Free Open Play (8-am-10am Mon-Friday, 8pm-10pm Mon-Thurs)
  • Exclusive invites to member only events

How much does a Courts and Common's Rally Social Club Membership cost?

The Rally Social Club Membership is $75/Month.

Additional family members are $49 a month.  This includes everything listed above except the $25 food credit for our restaurants. 

How many Rally Social Club Memberships are available to purchase?

The first 200 people to sign up.

Is the first month pro-rated according to when you register for your Rally Club Membership?

No, the membership fee will become a recurring monthly fee on the day you signed up.

What discounts are included in the membership?

There will be occasional membership pricing specials emailed out.

The membership benefits and perks are listed above.

How do I sign up for a Rally Social Club Membership?

Walk in and sign up at our welcome desk or click the registration link (coming soon).

What are the Rally Social Club weekly bar specials?

The bar will designate a weekly drink special.  These will vary from week to week will be announced on our social media platforms and displayed in our bar.   

Is there a discount if I sign up for a year?

Yes. The price for a full year membership is $700.

Do I get priority booking on all events? 

No priority will be given to members for booking events.  All events will need to be booked two weeks in advance (minimum lead time).

When can I cancel my Rally Social Club Membership?

You can cancel at any time (monthly).

Monthly paying members will have access to their membership for the remainder of the month paid for.

Yearly members can pause their memberships but refunds will not be given.

What happens if I need to pause my membership?

Members can pause their membership at any time for up to 30 days.  Members with a doctor's note can pause their membership for up to 60 days. Contact Courts and Commons to pause your membership.

Is there a sign up fee?

No. The only fee is the up front monthly fee of $75 or the yearly fee of $700.

When are the memberships available for purchase?

December 2024 - Memberships will begin once we officially open.

How many days can my account be past due before it is deactivated?

After one day delinquent, the membership account will be suspended.

Is my spouse/family included in my Rally Social Club Membership?

No. Each member of the home needs to have a membership. 

Additional memberships are $49 and can be added to the primary membership.  This includes all the benefits listed above except the $25 food credit in the restaurants. 

Does my Rally Social Club Membership include early access to classes, clinics, tournaments, and drills?

Yes.  You will have early access to sign-up and register for all events and tournaments hosted by Courts and Commons.

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